Flood Maps Changing Saga continues

Flood Maps Changing Saga continues

Today it was announced in Tennessee that Flood maps will be updated, thousands will be impacted see article below and other articles on how to navigate the storm.

Tennessee Announced today

Thousands may need flood insurance under new FEMA maps

Thousands of property owners may have to purchase flood insurance policies for the first time. Mortgage companies typically require coverage if a …

New map shows which homes could flood in Davidson County

Here is another example of how changing flood maps will impact your area. Mortgage companies will require flood insurance. If your flood zone changes to one that requires flood insurance, suggest getting a policy now so that you are grandfathered in at lower rates.  Private Insurance is also now available you may also be eligible for this which includes higher limits and lower premiums when compared with the National Flood Program.

New map shows which homes could flood in Davidson County

“We don’t want them to wait until it’s required if you have a mortgage, most mortgage companies will require you to get flood insurance so we want to …

Thousands of Staten Islanders to save on future flood insurance costs

The New FEMA maps will provide proper building heights for new homes and those in flood prone zones that have to be raised.

Myrtle Beach flooding: ‘heart-breaking’

Socastee flooding: ‘Not just heart-breaking, it’s shocking’

Phil Stone hauls in sand bags on a boat to shore up the entrance of his home in the Rosewood community of Socastee on Saturday, Oct. 15, 2016. A section of the community was under evacuation on Saturday as the water continues to rise. The Waccamaw River feeds into the Intracoastal Waterway south of the community.
Myrtle Beach Flooding
West has been in the neighborhood for five years, and doesn’t have flood insurance. “They said you didn’t need flood insurance,” he said.

“Last year they claimed it was a 1,000-year flood. I guess this is the 1,001-year flood. Gordon West”

Read more here: http://www.myrtlebeachonline.com/news/local/article108565947.html#storylink=cpy

“They said you didn’t need flood insurance. But if I leave here, even if I move on a mountain I’m gonna have flood insurance. Gordon West”

Read more here: http://www.myrtlebeachonline.com/news/local/article108565947.html#storylink=cpy
Wow a call to flood insurance.
If you think you didn’t need the coverage, guess again. If the words here are not strong enough, see the pictures which are heartbreaking.

“I wanted to start my own life so when this house became available in my mom’s eyes, she offered it, and I went through all the headache and the process of getting a loan, and doing all the paper work and procedures,” he said. “We spent seven months alone just dealing with that. We moved in May, and here we are in October. And this is what’s left.”

Read more here: http://www.myrtlebeachonline.com/news/local/article108565947.html#storylink=cpy
The options for Gordon West are an SBA Loan, FEMA Disaster Assistance, and possible a state program.  If none of these can be obtained, local charities through the Red Cross and religious charities may help fill the gap.
Our heart goes out to Gordon West, he story is all too familiar.

Few have flood insurance for Matthew, and now it’s too late to buy

San Diegans No Flood Insurance


Learn Why you should Carry Flood Insurance…

Many San Diegans Hit By Flooding May Not Have Insurance

The deluge of rain across the county flooded streets, parking structures and homes. But many San Diego residents facing water damage may not be …

This article highlights the reason why you should consider getting flood insurance.  It’s no longer about living close to the water. You can get hit anywhere.  In areas not close to waterways the cost can be a less than $500.00 per year.