Insurance Experts: More Information Needed On Flood Insurance
When it comes to flood insurance in Florida most people agree on one thing – there’s not enough information. Just ask Lori Medders, director of the ..
Month: August 2015
Flood insurance important to save money
Flood insurance important to save money
Bob Burd, financial representative at Country Financial in Watseka, said anybody who does not have flood insurance currently is experiencing some …
Flood insurance riddle remains unsolved
Flood insurance riddle remains unsolved
Solving the flood insurance riddle was something the Mississippi Insurance Department started on immediately after the 32-foot surge receded.
Sandy FEMA Claims Reviewed
Deadline Looming For Residents Who Want Their Sandy FEMA Claims Reviewed “We need guarantees that if a Sandy victim reopens their claim, there will be a reasonable chance they can get more money,” the mayor said.
INSURANCE ADVICE: Do you really need to insure that?
INSURANCE ADVICE: Do you really need to insure that?
Do you need earthquake or flood insurance? That depends largely on where you live. If you live near a fault line or in a known flood plain, you’ll …
Challenging FEMA: County agencies cooperate to fixflood maps
Challenging FEMA: County agencies cooperate to fixflood maps
Challenging FEMA: County agencies cooperate to fix flood maps … of dollars inflood insurance that they do not need and, historically, have not …
Continue reading Challenging FEMA: County agencies cooperate to fixflood maps
Flood Insurance Can Provide Peace of Mind for Texans
Flood Insurance Can Provide Peace of Mind for Texans
Flood insurance can save Texas homeowners and renters thousands of dollars in repairs. It also can provide peace of mind considering that flooding …
Steubenville Flood InsurancePrices High in Brooke County, Officials Upset
Flood InsurancePrices High in Brooke County, Officials Upset Brooke County officials are upset with the high cost of flood insurance. Officials want FEMA to reassess the flood plain map in Wellsburg in the hopes
New flood program chief urges LIers to sign up for claims reviews
New flood program chief urges LIers to sign up for claims reviews
The director of the Nation Flood Insurance Program on Monday urged superstorm Sandy victims who suspect they were underpaid to sign up to have …
10 Years After Katrina, Will Sacramento Be The Next New Orleans?
10 Years After Katrina, Will Sacramento Be The Next New Orleans?
After the Great Mississippi Flood of 1927, Verchick explained, “Congress ….. This stems from the National Flood Insurance Program, which requires …