Eastside Review: LA River flooding risk is higher that thought; LAUSD rejects Eagle Rock charter …
So more property owners – especially in Atwater Village and Elysian Valley – will have to buy mandatory flood insurance, and developers might have …
Month: October 2016
Thousands of Staten Islanders to save on future flood insurance costs
Thousands of Staten Islanders to save on future flood insurance costs
Homeowners in those areas must buy flood insurance to get a federally-backed mortgage. Those wishing to develop or build in the zones have to …
The New FEMA maps will provide proper building heights for new homes and those in flood prone zones that have to be raised.
Myrtle Beach flooding: ‘heart-breaking’
Socastee flooding: ‘Not just heart-breaking, it’s shocking’ West has been in the neighborhood for five years, and doesn’t have flood insurance. “They said you didn’t need flood insurance,” he said.
“Last year they claimed it was a 1,000-year flood. I guess this is the 1,001-year flood. Gordon West” Read more here: http://www.myrtlebeachonline.com/news/local/article108565947.html#storylink=cpy
“They said you didn’t need flood insurance. But if I leave here, even if I move on a mountain I’m gonna have flood insurance. Gordon West” Read more here: http://www.myrtlebeachonline.com/news/local/article108565947.html#storylink=cpy
Wow a call to flood insurance.
If you think you didn’t need the coverage, guess again. If the words here are not strong enough, see the pictures which are heartbreaking.
“I wanted to start my own life so when this house became available in my mom’s eyes, she offered it, and I went through all the headache and the process of getting a loan, and doing all the paper work and procedures,” he said. “We spent seven months alone just dealing with that. We moved in May, and here we are in October. And this is what’s left.” Read more here: http://www.myrtlebeachonline.com/news/local/article108565947.html#storylink=cpy
The options for Gordon West are an SBA Loan, FEMA Disaster Assistance, and possible a state program. If none of these can be obtained, local charities through the Red Cross and religious charities may help fill the gap.
Our heart goes out to Gordon West, he story is all too familiar.
Got Flood Insurance? Your Neighbors Didn’t Think They Needed It Either.
Got Flood Insurance? Your Neighbors Didn’t Think They Needed It Either.
Few have flood insurance for Matthew, and now it’s too late to buy
Few have flood insurance for Matthew, and now it’s too late to buy Flood insurance is only one issue. Floridians have been encouraged by insurers and the state to “harden their homes” against wind damage by …
Only flood insurance covers losses from floods
Only flood insurance covers losses from floods
The total economic cost could exceed $9 billion, but many homeowners didn’t have flood insurance, according to Robert W. Klein, who teaches risk …