Now here are the things they don’t tell you about your flood claim..
If there is structural damage the insurance company has to provide an engineer. (most likely this engineer will not rule in your favor)
Keep a notebook or use a note app on your phone and maintain detailed records of calls, conversations, and actions.
Consider hiring your own licensed structural engineer, however they are expensive and must be familiar with flood claims and damages.
Consider hiring a public adjuster. Public adjusters are very knowledgeable and can help, however they are paid based on a percentage of your claim. In the event of major disaster public adjusters will be swamped with work, their ability to manage your claim will be greatly diminished.
If you choose to represent yourself, the best recommendation is to establish a rapport with the adjuster from the insurance company. Keep your mind focused on the end result…. getting your home repaired and getting back in your home. Any claim is a negotiation, you will have document and support what you think was damaged to your adjuster.
Suggest looking at some examples of adjusted flood claims on the internet or downloading a free trial of claims adjuster software if you are highly computer literate.
If you don’t have experience with construction consider speaking with a contractor you know who will help you identify items you may not have thought of.
Consider hiring a remediation company. This is covered under the flood policy, pending a covered claim.
Loss of Use or temporary rental: In a major flood disaster FEMA will offer assistance provided you have proof of renting a temporary location. They will set a limit for the maximum amount you can claim. Local assistance also may be provided by state run agencies offering assistance, however they usually don’t get up an running until months after a major disaster. Red Cross may also offer assistance.
Again, keep your mind focused on the end result… getting your home repaired and getting back in your home.
If you disagree with your insurance company, lawsuits are often expensive and take on average 2 or 3 years to be heard. Your case will be heard by a judge assigned to handle disputes for FEMA Flood claims. They often send the insured and the insurance company back to the negotiation table to see if they can come to an agreement.
In the event of a major disaster you, and your have a dispute with your insurance company that can’t be resolved, you may want to wait for state programs to seek alternative funding.
The Small Business Administrations also provide low interest loans to repair your home, however there are many limitations and restrictions.